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The Significance of GALA NO. 4

YOU are the catalyst... With the approach of our 4th Annual Gala -- aptly named GALA NO. 4 -- we want to touch on the significance of these events for our organization, and what they say about our unique model. We have always attributed the growth of our organization to the people that have involved themselves in our story. It started with close friends and family who received letters from a group of passionate college kids and responded by sending checks back to support our first trip to Uganda. It was then people who purchased some of the first hats, craftily made by a small group of 10 Ugandan women. It grew to incorporate others who donated resources, time, and energy to see us reach new communities of vulnerable people. The model we created, the staff who work here, and the products we make are all the tools to create positive and long-lasting change to individuals and their communities. But we rely on a much larger community to make something truly special. YOU are the catalyst that makes this happen. We are a non-profit organization. We structured ourselves this way so our "success" would not be our own (speaking of those that run this organization). Instead, we want it to be absolutely evident that we define success by the people who succeed as a part of our programs. And that we all play a role in this success, whether you have bought a hat, shared about us on Facebook, or attended one of our past events. Our events that start next week are a celebration of this. The ticket you purchase to come and your presence help support this cycle of life-change that is taking place around the world. We hope that you are able to join us in Spokane, Seattle, or Orange County in the weeks to come.


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