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Bringing Together Dreamers & Doers

yellow conference

We're Teaming up with Yellow Conference!

We're incredibly excited to partner with Yellow Conference this year, an event and community celebrating women using their talents to inspire and ignite passion. Founded by Joanna Waterfall and Sally Kim, this conference brings together those who see power and potential in unifying creative women towards one common goal: serving the greater good. Each year their Los Angeles conference brings individuals from all over the globe to come together and learn from industry leaders, speakers, workshops, and one another. They are creating a cycle of empowerment - empowering one another to use their individual skills to empower those who need it most. Our CEO & co-founder Kohl Crecelius recently shared his three pieces of encouragement for dreamers and doers on their blog. Visit the post, get encouraged, and enter to win a 3 day pass to the conference, a $100 KK intl. gift card, and a surprise gift worth over $100 from Yellow Conference! The giveaway closes on August 14th, so enter now.


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